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Interviews with Harold Riisoe and Zelma Sibley.
00:00:01 - Introduction, Harold Riisoe of Kinsley, KS
00:00:25 - Childhood in Norway
00:01:14 - Norwegian song, vocal and guitar, with English translation
00:04:10 - Song, "A New Pig in the Parlor" vocal and guitar
00:05:11 - Song, Square Dance, vocal and guitar
00:05:40 - Song, "Sailing East", vocal and guitar
00:06:17 - Song, "Coffee Grows on White Oak Stumps"
00:08:13 - May 17th Norwegian Independence Day celebrations
00:10:10 - Food and recipes
00:16:22 - Predicting the sex of a baby
00:16:44 - Song, square dance, fiddle and guitar
00:18:07 - Song, "Chase that Possum", fiddle and guitar
00:18:50 - Song, Polka square dance, fiddle and guitar
00:19:38 - Song, "Little Brown Jug", fiddle, vocal, and guitar
00:21:04 - Song, "Heel and Toe Polka", fiddle and guitar
00:22:30 - Song, "Waltz Quadrille", fiddle, vocal, and guitar
00:23:51 - Song, "The Rye Waltz", fiddle and guitar
00:24:50 - Song, "The Cake Waltz", fiddle and guitar
00:26:09 - Song, "Rag-time Annie", fiddle and guitar
00:27:29 - Song, "Schottische", fiddle and guitar
00:28:42 - Unidentified song, fiddle and guitar
00:29:53 - Song, "Put Your Little Foot", fiddle and guitar
00:31:12 - Song, "Flying Dutchman", fiddle and guitar
00:33:08 - 44th birthday
00:34:31 - Blizzard of 1886
00:37:47 - Introduction, Zela Sibley of Lewis, KS
00:38:24 - Song, "Little Blossom", vocal and piano
00:42:50 - Song, "The Sailor's Daughter", vocal and piano
00:45:06 - Song, "Babes in the Woods", vocal and piano
00:46:32 - Song, "The Black Sheep", vocal and piano
00:51:17 - A Salvation Army song, vocal and piano
00:52:44 - Unknown man, poem, "Two babes were born in the self-same town"
Physical Description
reel-to-reel audio and accompanying documentation
Folk songs, Folk music, Poetry, Norway, Superstitions, Singing, Folk lore
© University Archives, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Recommended Citation
Covalt, LaRue and Covalt, Austin, "Interviews with Harold Riisoe and Zelma Sibley" (1971). Samuel J. Sackett Folklore Collection. 131.
eng, nor
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