SACAD: Scholarly Activities


Crafting a standout resume is crucial in today’s competitive job market. Not only does it create a strong first impression on employers but it also it opens the doors for endless job opportunities. Despite existing resume assistance for FHSU students on the Career Services page, there's a lack of tools for generating or streamlining the resume writing process. To address this issue, an efficient resume builder utilizing OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 model was developed specifically for FHSU students. Its key features include intuitive template selection, dynamic AI-generated content for tailored resumes, multi-format output supporting PDF and Word formats, and a user-friendly experience with responsive design across devices. By integrating these features, the resume builder, or TigerResumeCraft, empowers users to craft attention-grabbing resumes aligned with their career goals, ultimately enhancing their success in the job market.

Faculty Advisor

Anas Hourani


Computer Science

Submission Type

in-person poster




Copyright the Author(s)
