SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days


Media, for better or worse, is a powerful social influence that runs much deeper than the daily news. Our qualitative survey-based study focuses on how Irish women learn about and understand sexuality; our findings demonstrate the significant role media plays in this development. Specifically, our survey indicates the influence of the media in Irish women's lives as it leads to societal expectations. More than half of our participants cited media as an integral tool in learning about sexuality, including magazines, television, movies, novels, and the Internet. For some, media use in understanding their own identities opened the door to empowerment and freedom; for other women, media use in learning about sexuality ultimately contributed to feelings of guilt and shame. By exploring how Irish women are internalizing gender roles as they are enforced through the media, our study shines a light on the complex interplay between media representations and individual experiences.

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Christy Craig



Submission Type

in-person poster




Copyright the Author(s)
