SACAD: Scholarly Activities


Empirical Undergraduate


Objective: This experiment focuses on studying the different energy discharge rates in batteries and the endurance of various batteries, specifically testing two lead batteries and two lithium iron phosphate batteries. In brief, this experiment can tell people how to choose the best battery and introduce the performance of each battery. Materials and Methods: We used a resistor, an ammeter, and a voltmeter test to determine the change in its value every ten minutes by timing and conducting a control experiment using different two different types of batteries and two of each type to obtain data. Secondly, use these data to create a statistical chart, through which we can clearly identify and compare the voltage and current output over time from each battery, and then make intuitive comparisons to select batteries with better performance. Results: Over the time period of 1 hour the Lithium iron phosphate batteries held both their voltage and current longer than the Lead acid batteries. This is mostly due to Lithium iron phosphate batteries better depth of discharge than lead acid. Another large factor in the better performance of the Lithium iron phosphate batteries is the more uniform discharge as they showed an almost linear decrease between time intervals. Key Findings: 1. Lithium iron phosphate batteries hold their voltage and current for a longer period. 2. Lithium iron phosphate batteries have a better deep discharge than lead acid. Conclusion: Based on the data collected from our testing and information gained from the cites below we conclude that Lithium iron phosphate batteries are overall better for most applications, as they last longer and hold their voltage at a steady level for a longer period of time

Faculty Advisor

Mr. Joseph R. Chretien



Submission Type

in-person poster




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