Psychology Master's Theses
Theses from 2013
Measuring Bonds in Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy, Carla K. Sloan-Brown
Suicide Attempts among Emotionally and Behaviorally Disturbed Adolescents Removed from the Home, Faith M. Wanja
Theses from 2012
Understanding The Relationship Between Perceived Levels Of Stress, Mindfulness, And Meditation Practices, Michael Gallagher
Societal And Spiritual Orientation: How People Interpret Ambiguous Situations, Joshua Tanguay
Theses from 2011
The Effects Of Creativity On Mood Enhancement Caused By Laughter Therapy, Jennifer Clark
Motive Strength As A Predictor Of Goal Importance, Jeffrey Dohm
The Social Perceptions Of The Highly Intelligent, Robert J. Fossum
Grief Support Groups: Preference For Online Vs. Face To Face, Kris S. Fox
Conflict And Satisfaction In Romantic Relationships, Meghan Moland
Theses from 2010
Use of the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test - Second Edition as an embedded measure of malingering in a college population, Jamie Lee Babutzke
Mindfulness and test anxiety in college students, Jamey Brannon
Foreign language acquisition, motivation and creativity, Xixi Du
The relation between sensation seeking and life satisfaction, Stephanie Stegman
Theses from 2009
Learning Our Lessons: A Proactive Approach to Bibliotherapy and Its Application to Children, Marleah Augustine
Use of Emotional Intelligence in Accurate Decoding of Music Performance, Eric Brown
The Relation Between Self-Esteem and Character Strengths, Traci Dent
Positive Dimensions of Women's Sexual Experiences : Examining Motives for Engaging in Sex, Sexual Self-Concept, and Sexual Self Schema, Carmen Gnizak
A Kansas Survey of Early Childhood/Preschool School Psychology Services, Brandi J. Hockman
Personality and Sexual Motives in Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse, Jennifer Jordan
The Links Between Body Dissatisfaction and the Perceptions of Eating Disorders, Amy Lauterbach
The Relationship Between Religiosity and Beliefs About Effectiveness of Clinical Psychotherapy, Christopher Peavey
Kansas Teachers' Perceptions of Their School's Bullying Prevention Program, Jessica Spears
Investigation of the Relationships Between Co-Parenting, Marital Satisfaction, and Perceived Child Behavior, Tricia A. Travis
Participation Or Non-Participation of Nontraditional College Students in Campus Activities and/or Organizations, Kathryn J. Wallert