Volume 5, Number 1 (2009) Journal of Business & Leadership
Cover and Front Matter
Finishing Well: Investigating Despair In Retired Leaders
Michelle L. Kilbourne
Development and Implementation of A Multidimensional MBA Program Assessment Day
Emily S. Breit Ph.D. and Gregory Weisenborn Ph.D.
The Nominating Committee As An Antecedent of Effective Corporate Governance
Brooke Stanley, Steven A. Frankforter, and Bret Becton
Enhancing Communication Within Multi-Generational organizations
Andrew J. Sage, Moss Adams, and Anthony C. Andenoro
International Business Networks and Partnerships Development: A Case of Chinese Market Development Strategies By U.S. Agricultural Companies
Jiajiang Peng, Mark Russell, Roger Tormoehlen, and B. Allen Talbert
Self-Leadership and Self-Regulated Learning: An Investigation of Theoretical Relationships
Angela M. James
Moral Reasoning and Moral Behavior Among Incoming First-Year Business Students: An Exploratory Study
Aaron A. Buchko and Kathleen J. Buchko