Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The objective of this study was to describe the internet GIS implementation in the City of Hays and Ellis County, Kansas, then compare it to examples of implementation from other similar communities. Geospatial resources were consolidated from both agencies and used to develop two web mapping applications for employee and public access. Both mapping applications were developed on the ArcGIS Server platform using the .NET Web Application Developer Framework. In addition, a HTML website was developed to accommodate common data requests and an online map repository. The implementation approach of the City of Hays and Ellis County is similar to the reviewed community case studies, though additional Python and JavaScript programming was required to accommodate the needs of both agencies. Follow-up interviews indicate that the implementation of the online web mapping application has yielded a savings in office labor, time and revenue for city/county staff members, and provides easy data access for the staff and citizens of the City of Hays and Ellis County.

Date of Award

Spring 2011

Document Type



© 2011 Eamonn W. Coveney


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Included in

Geology Commons
