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This black and white photographic postcard depicts the aftermath of a tornado in April of 1911 at Hiawatha, Kansas. A house is completely destroyed and bricks and rock are around the foundation. A basement, or cellar space, is in the center of the card. A well is to the right of the foundation. Men stand behind the foundation. A man on the left stands next to an uprooted tree. Five men stand in the background. One man on the right stands on an unrecognizable item that was once inside the house. Written text is at the bottom of the card. Handwriting is on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Hiawatha (Kan.), Brown County (Kan.), Neodesha (Kan.), Wilson County (Kan.), Tornadoes, Correspondence, Natural disasters
This item is in the public domain
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Recommended Citation
Vanderhoff, Ruth, "Postcard: 9104A. Cellar of VanBuskkirk Where 5 Lives were Saved, Hiawatha, Kansas" (1911). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 955.
9104A. Cellar of Vanbuskkirk where 5 Lives Were Saved Hiawatha Kans. Hiawatha Kans. June 24 Hello. Both got here O. K. and fell O. K. We are having such cool whither [sic] how is Bunnie and Coalie and Polly is lonesome and Today Stella and the two other birds are fine having a nice cool place. Marvel. Hello Emma, Hello Apol. It is cooler here then there but it may be cooler there now. Stella & Teddie are close friend we all want you to come up can't you came now while we are here every thing is the same as of old. Marvel begs me to go soon that is all she says. Laura Ruth Vanderhoff Neodesha Kans.
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