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This black and white printed card depicts a description of Abilene, Kansas. An illustration of a stagecoach being held up by robbers on horses is on the right side of the card. A cut out portrait of a photo of Dwight Eisenhower and Theodore Viola are on the left. Printed text is above and below. Printed text and handwriting is on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Abilene (Kan.), Dickinson County (Kan.), Clay Center (Kan.), Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969, Hickok, Wild Bill, 1837-1876, Washington (D.C.)
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"Postcard: Abilene, Kansas, Home of President "Ike", "Wild Bill" Hickock and "Violas"" (1953). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 896.
Abilene Kansas home of President "IKE" "Wild Bill" HICKOCK and "VIOLAS" "ABILENE Where the East ends & the West begins" You've read of Abilene in history, The "Abilene Town" movie you've seen, Where Texas herds walked long, long miles to reach The railroad's end in Kansas, Abilene. Where Buffalo and Indians roamed the plains, And Wild Bill Hickok proudly took his stand, Marshal of Abilene, that frontier town, And men were men, out their in Kansas land. Well, that was years ago. We're making now, More history, as proudly we present A Kansas boy, brought up in Abilene. To be our nation's next great President. And me - - well, Ted Viola is my name, I'm here to shout all up and down the pike, This surely is our time to celebrate, And "Whoop it up" for our home town boy Ike. Ike's dad bought shoes for Ike and all the rest, From my dad, when we kids were young and gay. We're doing business still at the same store, But the Viola boys run it today. So if you ever come to Abilene, Our Kansas town, Ike's boyhood stamping ground, Just bring along this card -- I'll know you then, And I'll be proud to show you all around. Keith Kocher Oil & Gas Dealer Clay Center, Kans.
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