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This black and white photographic postcard features three photographic images of the results of a fishing expedition. The left and right photos are fish hanging for display. The middle photo depicts a man holding a fish that is as long as his legs. Printed text is on the bottom and right of the photos. Printed text and handwriting is on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Clay Center (Kan.), Advertisements, Johnstown (Neb.), Brown County (Neb.), Fishing industry, Fishing baits
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Hagen, C. C., "Postcard: Cure-N-Scent Powder Advertisement, Clay Center, Kansas" (1957). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 801.
9 CATFISH, Weight 145 LBS. Taken on bait prepared with CURE-N-SCENT POWDER, Take bait size pieces of shrimp, carp, shad, minnows, frozen fish from market, liver, kidneys, chicken entrails, blood, milt, etc. Sprinkle with Cure-N-Scent Powder, place in glass jar and cover. That's all. In three days you'll have a bait irresistable to catfish. Cure-N-Scent Powder will preserve, toughen, flavor, and scent the bait with a most powerful catfish attractor. It's so easy-quick-potent you'll never want to use anything else. Plan for a big year, start some bait now. Full instructions in each package. Details of this record-breaking catch by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paulen appeared in a Sunday edition of the Kansas City Star. Send $1.00 for 4 packages to GEORGE W. WYLIE, Clay Center, Kansas HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO CATCH MORE FISH THAN YOU'VE EVER CAUGHT BEFORE? Mr. Wylie, who is recognized as the most advanced authority on the catfish, is now telling for the first time, all about his NEW FISHING TECHNIQUE. It's an entirely new method used to catch fish. Based on scientific facts about the fishes physical make up, his reactions to various conditions, how he maneuvers in the water, how he finds and examines his food, why he will not always bite on the same baits and many, many other facts. The new method also tells how to rig your line, how to bait the hook, where to find the fish, and the best ways to present the bait. It's priceless information if you want to catch more fish. Sent free with each dollar purchase of Cure-N-Scent Powder. (over) C.C. Hagen R1 Johnstown Nebr
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