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This color printed postcard features an illustration of a porch with patio furniture. It includes a table and chairs in the room. A calendar month of July 1911 is on the top left of the card. Printed text is on the right side of the card. It is surrounded by a wood border. Handwriting is on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Axtell (Kan.), Marshall County (Kan.), Correspondence, Calendars--1910-1920, Advertisements, Patio interior, Furniture, Businesses, Goff (Kan.), Nemaha County (Kan.)
This item is in the public domain
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Recommended Citation
Kerns, G. W., "Postcard: R. W. Motes Advertisement, Midsummer Comforts!" (1913). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 762.
MIDSUMMER COMFORTS: why go away to the discomforts of a "summer resort," when, for less money, you can have all the comforts of midsummer right on your own veranda or lawn? At evening, after the sweltering heat, you will find all the luxury of living in our big, old-fashioned lounging chairs in cane, willow, and rattan. Our porch furniture - chairs settees, tables, stools, mats make it possible for any one to convert the porch into a luxurious out-of-door living room at small expense. R. W. MOTES, Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Lace, Curtains and Linoleum, UNDERTAKING. AXTELL, KAS. Copyright 1910, The Como Co., Chi. July 1911 calendar Written in ink: Come up to Seneca Wed. Jan. 29 to the big mass meeting. We want to & guess some other folks will go also. Maybe we can meet in Seneca once or twice a year to have a good time together. Mrs Walcat will read her famous paper on Woman's Suffrage etc. We want to go a.m. & stop at Sprouts for dinner. She is so lonesome in S. We went to Mr Thompsons funeral today. We are O.K. have been to S.S. Choir practice, funeral, B. Y. P. M. today. Best wishes to all, N. | Mrs. G. W. Kerns Goff, Kansas.
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