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This black and white printed postcard depicts a bill from an insurance company. Printed text is on the front of the card with handwriting included to fill out the information. Handwriting is on the back of the card.
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4"x 5" photographic postcard
Lindsborg (Kan.), McPherson County (Kan.), Insurance companies, Business & finance, Payments, Annual meetings, Correspondence
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Recommended Citation
Stromquist, C. J. and Hedbom, C., "Postcard: Swedish-American Insurance, Lindsborg, Kansas" (1905). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 723.
Lindsborg, Kansas, den 15 februari, 1905. Till "The Swedish-American Insurance Co. of Kansas" Medlemmar. Vid arsmotet den 3 januari, beslots enhalligt, att kompaniet bor aga sin egen lokal, och gaf direktionen i uppdrag att kopa hus eller tomt och bygga hus, samt for detta andamal utskrifya en assessment af 10 cents pa hvarje $100.oo forsakradt, detta jamte det erforderliga for fyllnad i brandkassans reservfond.Orsaken for att det talrikt besokta arsmotet fattade detta beslut var, att det ansag var nuvarande stallning, att hafva var lokal i ett bakhorn af nagot "store", vara ganska risabel i handelse af eldsvada, da kompaniets handlingar och bocker latt kunde forstoras.Ni anmodas harmed att till undertecknad insanda Eder andel a policy No 2861 Summa $2.50 fore den 15 mard, 1905, eller ocksa lamna det till var agent i Edert distrikt och erhalla hand kvitto. Translation:At the annual meeting on January 3, it was unanimously decided that the company should live in its own premises, and instructed the management to buy a house or plot and build a house, and for this purpose print an assessment of 10 cents on every $ 100.00 insured, this, together with what is required for filling in the fire fund's reserve fund. The reason why the much-attended annual meeting made this decision was that the current position was to have a room in a back corner of something "big", to be quite reasonable in the act of burning fire, as the company's documents and bucks could be easily enlarged.You are hereby requested to submit to the undersigned your share of policy No. 2861 Total $ 2.50 before March 15, 1905, or also leave it to your agent in your district and receive a hand receipt. C.J. Stromquist C. Hedbom, City
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