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This black and white printed postcard contains a biography and a campaign for the reelection of Governor Landon. The back side of the card depicts a photo of Alfred M. Landon from the shoulders up and a photo of his home. It is a three story house that is surrounded by lawn and trees. Printed text is above and below the photos.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Independence (Kan.), Montgomery County (Kan.), Political campaigns, Advertisements, Promotional materials, Biography
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Recommended Citation
"Postcard: Know Landon as His Neighbors Know Him" (2021). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 630.
Know Landon as his Neighbors Know Him, The Landon Home in Independence. As neighbors we commend him to you in this critical time in the history of our government; fully realizing that he is worthy of your confidence and support for the high office to which he aspires. Alfred M. Landon was born in West Middlesex, Penna. 49 years ago, received his common school and college education at Marietta, Ohio; has lived in Kansas over 25 years; is a graduate of the law school of the University of Kansas. Governor Landon is a member of the First M. E. church of Independence, an honorary member of the Rotary Club. A Mason, American Legion, Odd Fellow and an Elk, member of the Chamber of Commerce, one of the trustees of Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas. Alf M. Landon is serving his second term as governor of Kansas. He carried the state first by 8,000 plurality and his second term by better than 62,000. Governor Landon's family consists of his wife and three children. Miss Peggy Anne Landon, 19 years of age, a student in the Kansas State University and a daughter by his first wife, who was Margaret Fleming of Titusville, Penn. The present Mrs. Landon was Miss Theo Cobb of Topeka, Kansas, and to that union was born two children, Nancy Jo, now 4 years of age and John Cobb, past two years of age. During Governor Landon's administration as Governor of the sunflower state he has balanced the budget. In 1933 the first year the Legislature met after he became Governor of Kansas, he caused to be passed the now famous Cash Basis Act, He recommended and the legislature passed an amendment to Laws of 1931, relating to budgets. This last bill put teeth in the budget law and provided, among other things: 'Any indebtedness contracted or incurred by governing bodies or officers of such sub-divisions or municipalities in excess of such amount or amounts shall be void." He recommended and caused to be passed through the legislature the automobile or motor fee law. This bill fulfilled the promise of Governor Landon to cut automobile Department of Inspections and Registration Laws of 1933. This bill combining the several inspection bureaus into one department; the work is now being done by less than 25 men and women. In the last three years that this bill has been in effect, the state has collected millions of dollars in excess of inspection fees under the old law. The last three years of the present national administration Kansas has contributed twenty-one million dollars toward emergency relief. Governor Landon's business is that of an oil operator. By hard work, rigid economy and good business judgment he amassed a comfortable fortune. To call him a millionaire is as ridiculous and absurd as to call him a minion of the Standard Oil or big business. He is a square shooter and a fair dealer. Ask any of his employees who ever worked for him, and farmers in four states from whom he leased their lands for oil and gas, and they will all tell you that he dealt fairly with them and asked similar treatment. He is a man of rare experience and practical education. He possesses an abundance of common sense. Stands on his own feet. Says "no" and means just that and "yes" and stands by it when he says it. He believes in the American constitution and the future of America. He enjoys the friendship and confidence of his acquaintances, friends and fellow townsmen. his life as a citizen and family man is clean. His record as a public official is an open book. He has always stood for what is best in the life of his community.
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