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This black and white photographic postcard features a horse standing hitched to a man on a racing cart. The grandstands are in the background. There is printed text completely surrounding the photo. There is handwriting below the horse and at the bottom of the card. There is handwriting on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Abilene (Kan.), Dickinson County (Kan.), Solomon (Kan.), Saline County (Kan.), Livestock, Horses, Fairs, Exhibitions, Contests, Advertisements
This item is in the public domain
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Recommended Citation
P., B. B. and Hough, Mable, "Postcard: Official Souvenir of the Dickinson County Fair" (1908). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 448.
Official souvenir of the Dickinson County Fair. Abilene, Kansas, September, 22-23-24-25-26, 1908. Here is a list of business men That have our guarantee They have the goods and services too; They're the best in town you see. Lott, Carriage Maker is a skilled vehicle manufacturer. The Dayton Land Co. has the most reliable farm bargains. The Broughton Music House is the place to buy a piano. The Racket Store-"A Little of everything". Case's Department Store. Every thing of the best. Belknap & Roemer The "Grocery Hustlers". Davis' Shoe Store is the place to buy good shoes. Elwick hangs wall paper. His work pleases. Badger Lumber Co. for the most select stock of lumber at lowest prices. Baker & Wallerstedt make the most palatable bread. Finkhams have dry goods of quality. Etherington's Sale Stable is the place to market your horses. The Rice-Johnson-Nicolay Wholesale Grocery Co. is the best in the west. Jackson sells the best feed for stock. Gleissher's Drug Store is the neatest place in town and the most reliable for pure drugs. Pennell, Photographer. The Citizens Bank is the place to do your banking. Dr. Young the veterinary surgeon will fix up your stock when they are sick. The Belle Springs Creamery Co. is the most sanitary in the west. The Pioneer Produce Co. will buy your butter, eggs and poultry at highest prices. Fred J. Pennell Photo Beulah We got out Thur. afternoon and Fri. We are going to Fair Friday if it does not rain so come up then if you can. B. B. P. Mrs. Mable Hough Solomon Kansas
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