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This black and white photographic postcard features the "D. CO. H. S." football team. Chapman's high school was named Dickinson County Community High School during this time. There are four rows of players set up in front of a limestone building. The bottom row depicts seven men sitting on the grass. The second row has seven men sitting on chairs. The man on the left is holding the football. The third and fourth row are staggered to make sure everyone is visible. There are fourteen people standing. Everyone is in football attire except for two men. A man standing at the far right is wearing a suit. A man in the middle of the standing men wears a suit and hat. There is hand printed text on the bottom of the card. There is handwriting on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Chapman (Kan.), Dickinson County (Kan.), Burdick (Kan.), Morris County (Kan.), Sports, Football players, Portraits, Uniforms--1900-1910, Greeting cards, Correspondence
This item is in the public domain
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Recommended Citation
Linde, E. D., "Postcard: D.County, H.S., Chapman, Kansas. Central Kansas" (1910). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 423.
D.CO H.S. Chapman. Kan. Central Kan. C. DCHS! Dec/11/10 Hello Bud! I don’t remember if it is my time to write or not but here goes Am pretty busy now suppose you are too. Have been trying out for 1st Basketball team. We play Enterprise Highs tomorrow P.M. Are you coming up during Christmas Holiday? Hope to see you some time in the near future. As ever Yes. What do you know about the Central Kansas champions on the other side? Tell the boys all hello for me also Mrs. Linde Mr. E. D. Linde, Burdick Kansas.
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