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This black and white photographic postcard depicts an approaching dust storm in the Midwest. A large black dirt cloud rolls along the ground in the background. The storm is moving towards a row of houses and buildings also in the background. There is printed writing at the bottom of the card. There is handwriting and printed text on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Dodge City (Kan.), Ford County (Kan.), Dust storms, Dust Bowl Era - 1931-1939, Western Kansas, Agriculture - Environment - Soil - Soil erosion, Weather, Natural disasters, Black Sunday, Newark (N.J.), Correspondence
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Recommended Citation
Snider, Edith, "Postcard: Sunday April 14, 1935, Dust Storm Approaching - Western Kansas #2" (1935). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 280.
Sunday April 14, 1935 Dust Storm Approaching-Western Kansas Stovall Studio, Dodge City, Copyrighted 1935. #2 The Dust Storms that originated in the six states just East of the Rocky Mountains in the Spring of 1935 were caused by a four year drouth(sic) in that section which made the ground so dry that the Spring winds easily caused the dust to raise. Feb 21. The first storm appeared like a rolling cloud from the north and all big storms come the same way which caused almost total darkness. The air was saturated with dust over two miles high. During such storms visibility was reduced to only a very few feet. Other days, when the wind was in different directions, the visibility was one block one-fourth mile. Large drifts of dust form on days wind was moved away when the wind changed. Tons of dust was taken out when the wind changed. Tons of dust was taken out of buildings, the amount varied as to condition of the buildings. A photo postal by Stovall Studio, Dodge City, Kan. Copyrighted 1935. These storm are still going on despite the constant rain in most of this part of the country. I am having a good trip and feeling fine. Will. Miss Edith Snider 74 Milford Ave Newark N.J.
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