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This black and white printed postcard contains text promoting a Livery and Hack Stable. Hacks may be furnished for funerals, operas, parties, etc. It is located in Leavenworth, Kansas. The backside of the postcard has a printed text poem "To Tell the Age of a Horse." It is an anonymous poem.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Livery stables, Leavenworth (Kan.), Poetry, Anonymous, Service industries--United States, Horses
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Recommended Citation
"Postcard: Geo. M. Crilly, Livery and Hack Stable" (2021). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 28.
Geo. M. Grilly, Livery and Hack Stable, Hacks Furnished for Funerals, Operas, Parties etc. Call up Telephone 166 Any time, Day or Night. 220 Seneca Street, Bet. Second and Third. Leavenworth, Kansas. Over To Tell the Age of a Horse. To tell the age of any horse Inspect the lower jaw, of course; The six front teeth the tale will tell, And every doubt and fear dispel. Two middle nippers you behold Before the colt is two weeks old. At six weeks more the next two will come. At eight months the corners cut the gum. The outside grooves will disappear From middle two in just one year; In two years from the second pair; In three the corners too are bare. At two the middle nippers drop; At three the middle pair can’t stop; When four years old the third pair goes; At five a full new set he shows. The deep black spots will pass from view At six years from the middle two; The second pairs at seven years; At eight the spots each corner clears. From middle nippers, upper jaw, At nine the black spots will withdraw; The second pair at ten are white; Eleven finds the corners light. As time goes on, the horsemen know; The oval teeth three-sided grow; They longer get-project out before-Till twenty, when we know no more. Over
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