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This black and white printed postcard is a report of communicable diseases for physicians to fill out and send to the Bureau of Health. The left side of the card lists the "Diseases to be reported". The right side is the form that is filled out and has both printed text and handwriting on it. The backside of the postcard has printed text and stamped text.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
Philadelphia (Pa.), Health facilities, Doctors, Communicable Disease Control--standards--Guideline, Forms (Documents)
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Recommended Citation
Swallow, G. W., "Postcard: Report of Communicable Diseases" (1912). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 129.
Bureau of Health, City Hall, Philadelphia. Report of Communicable Diseases Philadelphia, 10/22 1912 Name of Patient Francis Ward Address 2423 Callanhill Street Ward 15 Age 5 Sex Male Color White Disease Measles Date of Onset 10/21/12 Occupation ------- Country-Nativity U. S. In case of Diphtheria do you wish Bacterial Culture made? Answer yes or no. G. W. Swallow M. D. Residence 2042 Mt. Vernon St. Note-Whenever the immediate attention of this Department is requested for the removal of a patient to the Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases, please telephone from the nearest Police Station House or Public Telephone Station directly to this office which is always open. Small-pox cases should be reported by telephone immediately. Secondary cases in the same family must be reported. Cases reported by telephone must be reported by this card as well. Telephone, Bureau of Health, Room 712, City Hall. The official date of cases is the date of the receipt of this report by the Bureau of Health. In the case of diphtheria, do you wish members of the family immunized by the Bureau of Health? Answer Yes or No. Physicians are requested to answer all of the above questions. Mail this card promptly. Diseases to be reported: (Long list)
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