Bowen Collection




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July 1865


A letter asking the President to redeem the unjust dismissal of Col. Bowen from the service. This letter apparently accompanied the affidavits. The letter is signed, but the person doing the transcribing was unable to decipher the name.

Physical Description

Unlined paper measuring 8" x 10"


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Lawrence, Kansas, July 18, 1865 To the President: I desire to call your special attention to the monstrous injustice committed against one of the ablest, bravest and best of Kansas soldiers, Col. Thomas M. Bowen, 13th Kansas Vols, Brevet Brig General, by a recommendation of the War Dept. dismissing him from the service of the United States. As I am unable to visit Washington at this time to ask you personally to redeem this great wrong done to General Bowen. I earnestly ask you to give to him a full hearing, and allow him as I know he Is able to do, refute the charges instigated against him by malicious persons, and [illegible] against him shown against the War Dept., in securing the issuance of this unjust order. The accompanying papers and affidavits fully show that General Bowen is wholly free from any act or intention to defame any person, or to shield any person in doing wrong. I have fully investigated the case aside from the facts shown by this written proof and I [illegible] to say that General Bowen has a record of public service, of [illegible] and [illegible] his [illegible] as a soldier, and of honesty and integrity as a man, of which Any man in or out of the army, might well be found. I ask that this unjust order may not only be revoked, but that it be revoked in a manner that will wipe out the great wrong committed. General Bowens service in his country from the last four years, his being on the battlefield and his ability and high character as an officer and citizen, entitles him to such a recuperation at your hands, as will repair the injury done him. I cordially and earnestly recommend him for promotion to the rank of Brig Maj general before being honorably mustered out of this service. Very Respectfully Yours, [illegible] M. C.

Letter to the U. S. President accompanying the affidavits in support of Col. Bowen


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