Social Work Master's Theses
Theses from 1992
Reported Concerns and Issues of Residence Hall Students, Lisa Ann Heath
An Investigation of the Self-Concept of College Preparatory Students, Joseph B. Hertel
The Role and Function of the Elementary School Counselor as Perceived by Elementary School Counselors, Randel B. Josserand
Self Concept, Age, Grade Level, Gender, Grades, Nationality, Family Structure and Special Classes, Vicki Jane Lowery Lattimore
College Students' Attitudes Toward Sexuality, Marianna K. Medina
Locus of Control as a Developmental Construct, Warren W. Norton
Satisfaction in Counseling Alumni and Students, Debra K. Prideaux
Career Maturity of Undergraduate Students According to Gender, Grade Point Average, Classification, Extracurricular Activity Level and Academic Major Changes, Mary Beth Skelly
Alcoholism Among College Students : Who They Are and Where They Came From, Gail S. Townsend
A Fourth Grade Read-Aloud Program, Kelli B. Wright
Theses from 1991
A Study of Sexual Attitudes of Western Kansas High School Students, Lyndel E. Adams
Drug Use Among Rural Kansas Fifth and Sixth Graders, Hannah J. Barrett
Abuse in Dating Among High School Adolescents, Rita Lee Carswell
Conflict Resolution in Adolescents, Shane A. Cordell
Job Satisfaction in Correctional Officers, Ron J. Diehl
The Effectiveness of Discover, Elaine Frances Engel
Sexual Attitudes of College Students, Marilyn G. Etchison
High School Seniors' Perceptions of the High School Counselor : A Replication, Joyce F. Leach
Chronic Mentally Ill : Self-Concept, Steven S. Nachtigal
The Importance of Roles and Functions of Elementary School Counselors As Perceived By Administrators, Counselors, Teachers, and Parents, Marilynn K. Peaslee
Nurses' Attitudes Towards Alcoholics, Rita D. Speer
Factors Associated with Attitude Toward Alcohol Use of Sixth and Eighth Grade Students, Glen Strecker
Loneliness Among Senior Citizens of Rural Kansas, S. Jo Stumps
Factors Associated with Self-Esteem in Sixth Through Ninth Graders, Roserita Weber
Theses from 1990
Sex-Role, Gender, Family Structure, Age and Self-Esteem, Marla J. Barnt