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Interviews with Burt Brumfield, Maxine Querbach, Roy Stanbaugh, Ed Hershler, Katie Schnetzer, Pat Halling, Barbara Howe, The Benishes, Emma Folk, William R. McFarland, and Brenda Greenwood.
00:00:00 - Introduction, Burt Brumfield of Jetmore, KS on November 30, 1963
00:00:17 - Kissing "pigeon fashion."
00:00:50 - Horse races
00:01:30 - Decoration Day (Memorial Day)
00:03:03 - School activities
00:03:26 - A blizzard hits during a literary
00:05:10 - Prairie fire
00:05:29 - Poem, "A Poor Married Man"
00:06:07 - Grandfather's work on the sabbath in Indigenous Americana and the resulting death of a cow
00:07:25 - Father's work on the sabbath and a subsequent cyclone
00:08:16 - Introduction, Maxine Querbach of Hanston, KS on December 21, 1963
00:08:30 - Story about an old bachelor
00:10:20 - Introduction, Roy Stanbaugh of Hanston, KS on December 30, 1963
00:10:36 - Story about the Dust Bowl Era (1931-1939)
00:10:50 - Story about windy Kansas
00:11:14 - Story about "Louie the Robber" a modern day Robin Hood
00:12:18 - Story about older students chasing off the teacher
00:16:17 - Early smallpox treatments
00:17:22 - Introduction, Ed Herschler of Hanston, KS on January 4, 1963
00:17:44 - Blizzard of 1886
00:22:11 - Story of the Purple family murders in November of 1886
00:28:22 - Prairie fires
00:31:17 - Story about a 16-year-old female teacher being assaulted by local men
00:33:54 - Introduction, Katie Schnetzer, Pat Halling, and Barbara Howe of Hanston, KS on January 3, 1963
00:34:36 - Description of children's games. Some description is in German
00:39:19 - Ghost stories
00:41:25 - Song, untitled, vocal
00:41:59 - Song, "He Asked Me For a Date", vocal duet
00:43:17 - Song, "Sippin' Cider Through a Straw", vocal duet
00:46:37 - Song, "Let's Go Bowling on Bowling Green", vocal duet
00:47:36 - Introduction, Maxine Querbach of Hanston, KS
00:48:00 - Grasshopper swarms of the late 1800s
00:48:32 - Introduction, "The Benishes", a musical group playing in Orwell, KS on January 5, 1963
00:49:23 - Song, untitled square dance, fiddle and piano
01:06:13 - Introduction, Emma Folck of Little River, KS on January 1, 1964
01:06:30 - History of the Rhodes family in Rice County, KS in 1880
01:07:49 - Farm production in 1875 in Rice County, KS and the first courthouse
01:08:27 - Mother is bitten by a rattlesnake in 1879
01:09:38 - Pawnee Rock
01:10:00 - Story, "John Brown's Buddy"
01:11:14 - Staying overnight in Lindsborg, KS in 1905
01:12:29 - Early agricultural practices
01:13:15 - Introduction, William R. McFarland of Cimmaron, KS on November 29, 1963
01:13:37 - Song, "The Early Days", vocal and piano
01:17:56 - Song, "Fifty Years Ago," vocal and piano
01:22:50 - Song, "Oh, Those Christmas Days", vocal and piano
01:26:54 - Song, "Arkansas Valley" to the tune of "Red River Valley", vocal and piano
01:30:10 - Introduction, Brenda Greenwood and friends of Cimmaron, KS on November 29, 1963
01:30:31 - Song, "Cimmaron Schools" to the tune of "The Marine Hymn", vocal
Physical Description
reel-to-reel audio and accompanying documentation
Superstitions, Celebrations, Holiday observances, Rural schools, Seather, Folk medicine, Folk tales, Samuel Purple, Folk music, Square dancing
© University Archives, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Recommended Citation
Querbach, Marjorie; Porter, Gerald W.; and Greenwood, Georgia, "Interviews with Burt Brumfield, Maxine Querbach, Roy Stanbaugh, Ed Hershler, Katie Schnetzer, Pat Halling, Barbara Howe, The Benishes, Emma Folck, William R. McFarland, and Brenda Greenwood" (1963). Samuel J. Sackett Folklore Collection. 85.
eng, ger
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