SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days


Purpose: A student preparation strategy of growing interest is the implementation of computerized curricular assistive tools (CCAT) into a nursing program’s senior-level curriculum.

Methods: This study investigated a Virginia baccalaureate nursing program’s integration of a CCAT into a senior-level course to assist students in preparing for the comprehensive exit and NCLEX-RN examinations while improving the program’s first-attempt NCLEX pass rate. The components that comprised the CCAT utilized were defined and further scrutinized to contribute to the knowledge a CCAT must consist of to produce improved knowledge retention and recall. A retrospective academic chart review was completed analyzing the comprehensive exit examination scores of two student cohorts, the 2023 graduates using the CCAT and the 2022 graduates who did not. The NCLEX-RN examination rates of the 2022 and 2023 graduates were compared to glean the impact the CCAT had on student academic success and NCLEX-RN examination success.

Results: The comparison of the ATI Comprehensive Predictor exam score proved significant at p = 0.012. A high correlational relationship between the CCAT and improved ATI Comprehensive predictor scores was found r = 0.83. NCLEX-RN examination first attempt pass rates have significantly improved from 2022 to 2023 from 65% to 94%, respectively.

Conclusion: Implementing a CCAT that creates student engagement, involves individualized remediation, and is integrated timely within the curriculum will have positive results for student academic and licensure examination success.

Keywords: NCLEX-RN exam, remediation, student engagement, standardized testing, ATI Capstone

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Christine Hober



Submission Type

online only poster




Copyright the Author(s)
