SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days


Background: An important topic as a nurse educator is how to provide nursing students with adequate self-care strategies to help prevent feelings of burnout. Burnout is an issue not only that affects healthcare workers, but also those who are studying to work in the medical field, for example nursing students. Nursing students experience high levels of stress due to the significant workload throughout nursing school. Nursing students also go through a rigorous curriculum that is often inflexible. Many nursing programs have a competitive atmosphere among classmates, and they are also preparing for the NCLEX examination. All these factors can lead to feelings of stress and burnout and have negative effects on the quality of nursing provided by students, decreased academic performance and withdrawal from courses. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to encourage participation in exercise to measure the feelings of burnout and stress felt by nursing students. Preventing burnout may be one way to increase the academic achievements and success of nursing students. Interventions: This study utilized Likert-style surveys to measure the feelings of burnout and stress pre- and post-intervention. The study involved a pre- test and then eight weeks of self-tracked low to moderate exercise 20-30 minutes daily, followed by a post-test. Evaluation: The results were evaluated individually pre and post-test.

Faculty Advisor

Christine Hober



Submission Type

online only poster




Copyright the Author(s)
