Article Title
Effects of Postpartum Depression on Mothers and Children
Postpartum depression plagues many women in today’s society. To look deeper into postpartum depression, we questioned who could be affected other than the mother in this issue? The objective of this study is to analyze how postpartum affects children’s cognitive and behavioral development. We investigated cognitive and behavioral development of children 1-3 years old. Our research design of this study was a non-experimental observation approach. The setting used for our research was the Women’s Health Center at HaysMed. This research focuses on patients in the obstetrics department who recently gave birth. Participants of this study were the children of 75 mothers diagnosed with postpartum depression and the children of 75 mothers who did not suffer from postpartum depression. In total 150 children were examined. To find the prevalence of postpartum depression in mothers, the Edinburg Postpartum Depression scale was used. To guide our research, we used Kathryn Barnards theory of Parent-child interaction. This theory is a middle range theory meaning the variables are clearly defined. The conclusion of our study revealed postpartum depression negatively effects children's cognitive and behavioral development.