SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days


Non-empirical Graduate


Continuing professional development is key to education in healthcare for nurses. Healthcare is ever changing and nursing education must reflect this throughout practice and time. Recognition is increasing that many psychomotor skills essential for safe nursing practice are not being retained. In-person skills lessons are implemented to ensure retention of critical skills and to offer an in-person learning session for new nurses. The study’s purpose is to educate nurses using in person, monthly, hands-on skills courses, and to aid in retention of critical skills to better further nursing practice. Conclusions synthesized from a review of literature highlight improved skills proficiencies and benefits of additional skills education, emphasizing a need for in person skills sessions. In the complex, evolving healthcare setting, professional development is a priority, and the need for ongoing education is critical. Continuing professional development is central to nurses’ lifelong learning and constitutes a vital aspect for keeping nurses’ knowledge and skills up to date (Mlambo et al., 2021). One of the advantages of on-site learning, both formal and informal, is that learners can utilize expertise which is already available on the ward. The study conducted is nonempirical research, an experimental study, and an exploratory study.



Submission Type

in-person poster




Copyright the Author(s)


For questions contact ScholarsRepository@fhsu.edu
