SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days


Non-empirical Undergraduate


For years, incarcerated women have received less attention and care than incarcerated men. This problem is especially disparate when responding to the reproductive healthcare of incarcerated women. Most jails and prisons do not distinguish between men’s and women’s healthcare—assuming a one-size fits all approach. Within most jails, pregnancy tests are not administered upon admission and rely on self-report, resulting in a knowledge gap on prevalence rates. Women may not report due to being unaware; they may also be reluctant to disclose due to fear of intervention by child welfare services. Lack of awareness and/or comfort, coupled with minimal healthcare options, can increase stress for expecting mothers, contributing to health concerns for both mother and baby. There remains a glaring lack of consideration for pregnant incarcerated women. Policy implications can begin to address such needs at various levels within the criminal justice system (e.g., jail versus prison).

Faculty Advisor

Dr. April Terry


Criminal Justice

Submission Type

in-person poster




Copyright the Author(s)


For questions contact ScholarsRepository@fhsu.edu
