SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days

Volume 2021 (2021)



1st Place - Empirical Undergraduate
Microbial Isolation and DNA Analysis of Turner Hall Woods: Natural Hydrocarbon Seep on the Island of Barbados
Jenna Howard, Michael Shinkle, and Jean Sumrall


1st Place - Empirical Undergraduate
What is in Big Creek? Water Analysis of Big Creek
Jerrad Watts, Devin P. Tracy, and Henry Agbogun


2nd Place - Empirical Undergraduate
Effects of Cover Crops on Soil Quality
Grady Hammer, William Cross, and Iryna McDonald


3rd Place - Empirical Undergraduate
Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Various Carbonates
Jenna Howard, Kaiden O'Dell, Riley Sanford, Matthew Tuttle, Jerrad Watts, Mitchell Lukens, and Jonathan Sumrall


3rd Place - Empirical Undergraduate
Factors Affecting the Rate of Homeownership in the United States
Nicholas Wood


1st Place - Non-empirical Undergraduate
Mass shootings in the U.S.: Individual, community, and system responses
Abigail Hayes and April Terry


2nd Place - Non-empirical Undergraduate
The Use of Intraoperative MRI for Neurosurgery
Taylor Barnett


1st Place - Empirical Graduate
The Life and Times of Mosasaur Belle
Mitchell Lukens


2nd Place - Empirical Graduate
Social Support Predicts Secure Adult Attachment Above and Beyond Parenting Styles
Benjamin Hoffhines, Nicholas Davis, and Whitney Whitaker


3rd Place - Empirical Graduate
FHSU Faculty Perceptions of Student Engagement and Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic
McKenzie Cunningham, Kali Harvey, Rachel Dolechek, Nuchelle Chance, and Latisha Haag


3rd Place - Empirical Graduate
Perceptions of Sex Offenders: Does Offender Background Information Impact Punishment?
Rylee Perez and Whitney Whitaker


1st Place - Non-empirical Graduate
Efficiency of Photogrammetry Using Meshroom for Outreach and Education 3d Model Reconstruction
Matthew Eads and Laura Wilson


3rd Place - Non-empirical Graduate
Adopting Virtual Reality in Nursing Education
Alicia Thompson


1st Place - Non-empirical Faculty/Staff
Advancing Clinical Judgment Using Virtual Simulation Escape Rooms
Christine Hober