SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days

Award Level

2nd Place - Non-empirical Faculty/Staff


Non-empirical Faculty/Staff


According to Wei, Wagner, Hudson, Yu & Javitz(2016), approximately 33% of students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the K-12 setting pursue higher education. As more children are being identified in schools, more are transitioning into postsecondary settings (Gelbar, Smith, & Reichow, 2014). While college personnel working in counseling, disability, and guidance offices may have some familiarity with working with students with ASD, many faculty do not. This increase in the number of students with ASD present on college campuses makes it pivotal that professors understand the population with whom they are working (Barnhill, 2016). This literature review aims to increase faculty awareness on working with college students with ASD through a discussion on the challenges of college students with ASD, and evidence-based practices that may be incorporated into postsecondary settings. It will include practical tips for faculty on ways to help students transition from high school to college life by catering to their social and academic needs


Advanced Education Programs

Submission Type

in-person poster




Copyright the Author(s)


For questions contact ScholarsRepository@fhsu.edu
