SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days

Award Level

2nd Place - Non-empirical Graduate


Non-empirical Graduate


Many barriers exist in terms of parental involvement in their child’s education. Time constraints, language issues, poverty, education, and not feeling like a member of the “team” are some of the common barriers many parents have reported as reasons for lack of involvement in their child’s schooling. Language issues include lack of English proficiency which hinders their ability to communicate with school personnel. Comprehension is also impaired and further contributes to communication barriers, (Arias & Morillo-Campbell, 2008). Parents also have stated not feeling as though they are a part of the their child’s educational team. They do not feel welcomed by those in the school, feel intimidated by not only the school personnel but the setting as well, and often are unaware of how important their involvement in their child’s education really is, (Harris & Goodall, 2008). Due to this intimidation, parents, especially those of with language confines, will often avoid having contact with the school. A parent’s level of education can also contribute to this feeling of intimidation. Parents with lower levels of education may be unable to comprehend some of the terminology being used in the school setting by teachers and other school personnel, (Sheridan, Knoche, Edwards, Bovaird, & Kupzyk, 2010). They are also less likely to be able to help their child with their studies. Families in low income or poverty situations also face barriers of time constraints due to working many additional hours and shifts to support families, (Sheridan, Knoche, Edwards, Bovaird, & Kupzyk, 2010). This leaves little time for communication with their child’s school. The limited time available for conferences and communication by teachers further prevents effective communication between parents and their child’s school.

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Brooke A. Moore


Advanced Education Programs

Submission Type

in-person poster




Copyright the Author(s)


For questions contact ScholarsRepository@fhsu.edu
