Recolections of Teaching from Willa Caroline Billings Stoecker
Adelia Marie Haun Stoecker
A written interview of Willa Caroline Billings Stoecker regarding her time teaching.
Master Teacher Interview, Dr. Jimmie Downing
Brenda Hoffman and Elaine Simmons
Transcript of an interview with Dr. Jimmie Downing. ACES 803 Qualitative Research.
Interview with Edna Hutton
Troy Lynn Hutton and Edna Hutton
An interview with Edna Hutton regarding her experiences in a one-room school house.
Master Teacher Interview with Sonya Herl
Janci Koehler and Patericia Thorell
Transcript of an interview with Sonya Herl for Qualitative Educational Research.
The Bottom Line: An Interview with Jerry McCarty
David Lake and Stephannie Goerl
Transcript of an interview with Jerry McCarty for Education 803: Research Seminar in Education, Dr. Allan Miller.
Interview with Larry gilchrist, Kansas Technology Teacher of the Year, 1994
Bill Maddy and Paul Wertenberger
Transcript of interview with Larry Gilchrist, awarded Kansas Technology Teacher of the Year, 1994.
Master Teacher Interview with Beverly Bea James
Jim McDaniel and Carla Storer
Transcript of interview with Beverly Bea James, Master Teacher.
Educator, Administrator, Innovator -- An Interview with Dr. Micheal Slattery
Kathleen O'Brien, Cheryl Hochalter, and Eric Evans
Transcript of interview with Dr. Micheal Slattery.
Teachers Make a Difference: An Interview with Jacquelyn Combs
Catherine Strecher and Carla Markovich
Transcript of an interview with Master Teacher Jacquelyn S. Combs
An Interview with Betty Amons, Kansas Teacher of the Year 1984
David P. Stueve
Transcript of an interview later turned narrative summary of Betty Amos, Kansas Teacher of the Year.
This collection features oral history interviews focusing on one-room schoolhouses in rural Kansas. Students from the Fort Hays State University College of Education conducted the interviews of former students and teachers who attended and taught in one-room schoolhouses. The last one-room schoolhouse teacher in Kansas, Selola Lewis, is included in this collection. She taught at the Dermot School in Morton county until the final one-room school closed in 1992. Interviews were originally recorded on cassette tapes and then transferred to digital media. The files have been lightly edited to improve the user listening experience. Raw files of the original interviews along with supplemental materials like teacher biographies and district histories are available upon request.
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