
Students in four marketing classes participated in a pilot program where they used Yellowdig in the classroom. Yellowdig is a private network for collaboration targeted towards educational institutions to increase student engagement. Yellowdig seeks to engage students using a broad array of resources including videos, news articles, blogs and more. It offers a Facebook-like experience (a platform the majority of students are very familiar with) for ease of use. In the classes, Yellowdig was used for two purposes: as a way to create a community inside and outside of the classroom and as a means by which students create and share course-relevant content throughout the semester. To achieve those goals, students posted items of interest relating to course content to Yellowdig and commented on and up-voted others’ posts. Yellowdig data was used to capture insights about students’ individual contributions and social interactions. The manuscript summarizes academic literature on social learning and social media, followed by a description of Yellowdig and how it was used in the marketing classes to benefit student learning and engagement. The results of quantitative analyses, including data visualization and social network analysis, are used to help educators understand both individual contributions to and social interactions in the network. In addition, multiple linear regression results suggest that engagement through Yellowdig activities does benefit student learning. Strategies for instructors to enhance student engagement and learning using these types of analyses are provided.

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Global Journal of Business Pedagogy

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