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This black and white two page document features a handwritten letter to the Chairman and Members of the Chamber of Commerce Park Board. The letter is from F.L. Cunningham and he is providing a brief report of projects completed. Cunningham makes a reference to C.C.C. which was the Civilian Conservation Corps.
Physical Description
handwritten text on paper
Fort Hays State University, Ellis County (Kan.), Educational facilities, Parks, Forms (Documents), Conservation & restoration
© University Archives, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University
Digitized by Forsyth Digital Collections
Recommended Citation
Kansas, "Letter to the Chairman and Chamber of Commerce Committee" (1935). Buildings & Facilities. 466.
August 26, 1935. To the Chairman and Members, of the C. of C. Park Committee: Following is a brief report of the work completed during the period since our last meeting. The recommendations of the committee in regard to certain projects were carried out in so far as possible. (a) Both the west and east dams were repaired, a full day being devoted to each. (b) Nineteen tables were removed from the C.C.C. messhall(sic) and located in convenient places throughout the park. (c) Samples of water from each well were sent to Topeka for analyzation. It was requested that examination be made particularly for presence of Bacillus coli and Bacillus typhus. Results have not been mailed to us as of yet. In addition the park proper has been weeded and cleared several times. Ovens and shelterhouses(sic) kept clean and repaired, tables and rest rooms scrubbed regularly. The tennis courts have been weeded and hoed. The debris from the creek has largely been removed. Several days have been spent pruning trees and shrubs. Many bad trees have been grubbed out and piled. The west pump was pulled twice and repaired and finally the suction pipe was lengthened. Several days were spend in watering and mulching smaller trees with the college water wagon. Team being furnished by the Exp. Sta. Piles of brush, of usable sized limbs, have been located at strategic areas to take care of winter fuel demands. Other projects have been started and will be carried through as labor is available. Yours very truly, F.L. Cunningham Caretaker. P.S. Signs regulating speed of driving and forbidding swinging on bridge were secured and posted.
![Letter to the Chairman and Chamber of Commerce Committee](https://scholars.fhsu.edu/buildings/1465/thumbnail.jpg)
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