
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal (2003-2012)


Parent involvement is one of the key components of the NCLB Act. Under NCLB, every school district is mandated to develop processes to ensure meaningful ways to engage parents. The requirements for parental involvement rest on the premise that parents acting as informed advocates to hold schools and school district accountable. The value placed on family involvement at the federal, district, and local school levels reflects decades of research showing the connection between family involvement and positive student outcomes. Studies on family involvement have concluded that students’ home environment and family involvement are important predictors of a variety of academic and non-academic outcomes (Henderson & Mapp, 2003; Jordan, Orozco, & Averett, 2001; Reynolds & Walberg, 2002). Furthermore, research shows that educators’ efforts to improve school-home relationships and increase family and community involvement can have a positive effect on levels of parent involvement (Epstein & Salina, 2004; Sheldon & Voorhis, 2004; Van Voorhis, 2003) and student outcomes (Sanders, 2003; 2005). As a result, it is important for this researcher to identify those processes and characteristics that contribute to the development of strong school, family, and community partnership programs in schools.


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