
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal (2003-2012)


This paper examines how to develop positive self-concept and self-esteem promote at work-place. The bearing of positive self-concept and self-esteem cannot be over emphasizing in the existence of man because it summarizes the whole issue of his social identity. Also encompassed in it is the total expression of his sense of relevance in any organization he belongs to. It is important to note that his contributions to that industrial or organizations will depend majorly on his achievement of positive self-concept and self-esteem. In most establishments, though the significance of positive self-concept and self-esteem has been sub merged under the surge of group system. As a result of this, employees lose their personalities, opinions and sense of their individualities are not of importance in the organization, thereby leading to less productivity and less, attachment of industrial organizational goals. This paper therefore examines the need to foster in persons positive self-concept and self-esteem as panacea for industrial development. The paper will therefore focuses on –what self-concept is, and self-esteem, what industrial development is and how to develop in workers positive self-concept and self-esteem to foster industrial development and harmony in work – place.


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