SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days



Over the years, hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI) have emerged as a significant challenge in the healthcare industry. Despite significant advancements in healthcare, pressure injuries continue to be a persistent global healthcare issue, closely linked to the safety of patients, affecting patient outcomes, and increasing healthcare costs (Gaspar et al., 2019). HAPIs are associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates. HAPIs are likely to experience longer hospital stays, increased risk of infections, higher treatment costs, and potentially more significant health complications. HAPIs commonly occur in the hospitalized patient and are costly and preventable. Given the implications of HAPIs, there is a pressing need for effective strategies to reduce their incidence. This study aims to address this issue by implementing an educational approach for nurses on a specific medical-surgical unit. The purpose of this project is to examine the impact of this educational intervention on reducing HAPI rates on the medical surgical unit. This presentation will discuss the findings of the project, the effectiveness of educational interventions, and explore its potential implications for future healthcare practices. Findings suggest that targeted education for nurses can effectively reduce the incidence of HAPIs, thereby enhancing patient safety and reducing healthcare costs. This study highlights the importance of continuous education and quality improvement in healthcare settings to tackle preventable complications like HAPIs in addition to costs and barriers.

Keywords: hospital acquired pressure injury prevention, education, quality improvement, barriers, costs

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Christine Hober



Submission Type

online only poster




Copyright the Author(s)
