SACAD: John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days


Crossover youth is a term used for youth under supervision within both the child welfare system and juvenile justice system. This is also referred to as ”dually involved youth.” Cross-agency communication is lacking for these youth while research shows many youth receive services from both systems. Research shows that crossover youth have longer stays in detention facilities, high rates of recidivism, and poorer long-term outcomes in multiple areas of life (e.g., education and mental health). When referring to crossover youth, intersectionality (e.g., gender and race)—the interconnectedness of social demographics that overlap to form oppression—helps in understanding this dual-system involvement. Additionally, this poster provides policy suggestions for reducing dual-system involvement as well as evidence-based practices for youth who must remain involved in both systems.

Faculty Advisor

April Terry


Criminal Justice

Submission Type

in-person poster




Copyright the Author(s)
