
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal (2003-2012)


Alade Abiodun


It is obvious that every level of education is expected to empower learners with adequate knowledge, attitude and skills relevant to build the society. This informed policy makers to formulate educational goals and values that can mould individuals towards such empowerment for effective life in the pluralistic society. Thus, education as an instrument per excellence for national development identified by the National Policy on Education (2004, revised) fosters the building of: (i) A free and democratic society; (ii) A just and egalitarian society; (iii) A united, strong and self-reliant nation; (iv) A great and dynamic economy and (v) A land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens It also listed the values which should permeate the quality of instruction in school as: a) Respect for the worth and dignity of the individuals b) Faith in man’s ability to make rational decision; c) Moral and spiritual values in interpersonal and human relations; d) Shared responsibility for the common good of society e) Respect for the dignity of labour and f) Promotion of the emotional, physical and psychological health of all children.


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