
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal (2003-2012)


Technology plays a major role in the delivery of educational services in today’s colleges and universities. Gumport and Chun (2005) stated that enrollment in for-credit distance education courses had more than doubled between 1997 and 2000. Distance education is undergoing rapid growth and expansion as colleges and universities rush to offer online courses and degrees in a variety of subject areas. Schrodt and Turman (2005) found students often expect college instructors to incorporate some form of technology into the class design even in traditional non-distance education courses. Although many educators feel that advances in technology will positively change the way classes are taught, Gumport and Chun (2005) indicated that technological improvements do not always measure up to initial expectations. Regardless of any negative side effects, such as cost or training for faculty, technology continues to advance in society and specifically in the college classroom.


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