
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal (2003-2012)


Mindy Salmans


Data collected by the American Association of University Women indicated that students who are victims of educator sexual misconduct reported that they suffered emotional, educational, and developmental or health effects (Shakeshaft, 2004). At least one third of students reported behaviors that would negatively affect academic achievement. Larry Lezotte, Wilbur Brookeover, and Ron Edmonds found in their research that a safe and orderly environment was one lead indicator of school effectiveness, defined by high student achievement for all students (Lezotte, 2000). Therefore, if we know that a safe and orderly environment is essential to an effective school and we know that incidents of sexual misconduct by teachers against students are occurring, then it seems reasonable to question whether the current safeguards used by states are sufficient to ensure a safe and orderly environment for all students.


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