
Eliciting lived experiences, we seek to identify those experiences that have shaped the lived practice of a career and desire to answer: (1) How have experiences informed a career? (2) What does the lived educational experiences of an educator portend for the future of education? This inquiry incorporates the lived past experiences of the co-authors. Additionally, we seek to offer a path forward for the future of the profession that we love and have been grateful to experience.

This data was part of a hermeneutic inquiry research project involving myself and my father, Dr. Leonard L. Gregory. The data was recorded utilizing a phone recording and then setting up a zoom meeting whereby the audio was converted onto a word document. From there, the data was uploaded into Dedoose where it was stored and coded for initial themes. The journal entries that I made were from a personal print copy journal. I utilized this journal after the initial round of recordings with my father. I used it to jot down questions that I had from the previous meeting, and we utilized it to make notations of thoughts that we both had afterwards from the meetings we had. The text Conducting Hermeneutic Research: From philosophy to Practice by Nancy J. Moules, et al., was a key influence and outlines the use of my data according to hermeneutic standards.

Document Type

Research Data

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© The Author(s)


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