
This study aims to introduce Self-Recorded Videos (SRV) as a novel method to help improve students’ performance in coding assignments in computer science courses. To our best knowledge, this is the first time the SRV method is applied in the context of computer science classes. The study was conducted with a sample size of 41 students who were registered in the online CSCI 331 Operating Systems course at Fort Hays State University. These students were given specific instructions to create Self-Recorded Videos SRVs for every coding assignment they were tasked with. This approach was designed to encourage students to engage more deeply with their assignments, promoting a more thorough understanding of the material. At the end of the Fall semester, 2023, students were surveyed on their perception of the novel method and how it affects their performance. The analysis of the survey results revealed a strong tendency among the students in favor of the SRV method. The majority of the students believed that the SRV method significantly improved their performance in the coding assignments. This positive feedback suggests that the SRV method could be a powerful tool for enhancing student engagement and performance in computer science courses. Keywords: self-recorded video, computer science teaching and evaluation, students’ performance, coding assignments.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Publication

Hawaii University International Conferences (2024 STEM/STEAM & Education Conference)


Published Version

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