
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal (2003-2012)


In 2005, Malcolm Gladwell, author of the best selling books, The Turning Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (Little, Brown & Company, 2000) and Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (Little, Brown & Company, 2005), wrote an article titled The Cellular Church that appeared in The New Yorker Magazine (9/12/05). The article retells the story of the beginnings and the growth of Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church located in the Saddleback Valley of Orange County, California. In re-reading the article I found an interesting quote attributed to Jack Welch, the former chairman of General Electric and a person considered by many to be the greatest leader/manager of the past century. In the article, Gladwell makes the following quote regarding a conversation Rick Warren had with Jack Welch, “I had dinner with Jack Welch last Sunday Night,” he said. “He came to church, and we had dinner. I’ve been kind of mentoring him on his spiritual journey. And he said to me, ‘Rick, you are the biggest thinker I have ever met in my life. The only other person I know who thinks globally like you is Rupert Murdoch.”


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